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Meet the Owner

I am Shenique, the Founder of Let Sparks Fly. I enjoy trips around the world and all of the heartwarming moments that come with experiencing new cultures and adventures! Since I was child, travel has always been a passion of mine.


On several road trips with my church group, I was fortunate to be able to journey throughout the country and discover all of the exciting adventures that new places and cultures have to offer. I still remember my excitement in packing my bags and the rush of joy that instantly came over me as I stepped outside of my comfort zone and into a whole new world.


So, when I caught the travel bug a few years ago, I became obsessed with the thrill of exploring and learning from new experiences. My love for travel sparked such a fire within me that lo and behold, Let Sparks Fly was born, and my travel love affair began.



It’s been said that when you choose a career you love, you will never work a day in your life. Which is why I value creating and hosting international travel vacations to make all my clients’ bucket list dreams come true!

Today, I enjoy organizing trips from A to Z to offer my clients an experience of a lifetime leaving only footprints in the sand.

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